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奚正德 ,


行動科技發展,使得共享經濟的新型商業模式,不斷推陳出新,至今17家市值超過十億美元的新創共享企業產生,估計2025年全球共享經濟市場價值將超過3千億美元。廠商紛紛建置共享平台,享受共享經濟帶來的商機,但是面臨分享資訊的隱私洩漏等資訊安全問題,使發展遇到阻礙。而行動科技中RFID的技術成熟,應用於共享經濟,尤其是群組物件,具有多個標籤集合式特性的物品,可充分發揮共享特性的經濟效能。學者Zhuang et al.提出RFID群組驗證協定,宣稱可應用於共享經濟,並具有保護隱私的功能。在設計的協定中,我們發現兩項問題(1)沒有應用情境及架構說明(2)虛擬識別碼及群組驗證的效能不足。本文針對上述問題,提出簡易的共享經濟RFID群組驗證架構及步驟,並搭配多人露營的共享經濟應用說明,及找出Zhuang et al.效能不足原因,在於產生群組驗證及虛擬的標籤識別碼時,使用了訊息遞延及竭盡搜尋的方式,並據此提出改善的方向。The mobile technology development has made the new business model of sharing economy advancing all the time. So far, 17 new establish sharing companies with over 10 billion US dollars of market capitalization have arisen. Experts estimate that the value of global sharing economic market will be over 300 billion US dollars during 2025. To enjoy the business opportunity that brings out by sharing economy, a growing number of companies set up the sharing platform. However, when facing the information security problem of leaking privacy, the development has been blocked. Among the mobile technology, the technique of RFID is mature and can apply in sharing economic, especially grouping objects. Multiple tags simultaneously exist in the group. Then sharing characters will create economy efficiency. Zhuang et al. presents RFID grouping-proof protocol and declares to apply sharing economy without leaking privacy. In designed protocol, we find out two problems (1) with no application scenario and architecture (2) pseudo identities and grouping-proof with lower system efficiency. In this paper, we propose simplified RFID grouping-proof architecture and multiple camping sample for the sharing economy. For Zhuang et al. protocol, lower efficiency is due to relay one by one for tags and exhaustive search when generating grouping-proof and pseudo identities. Finally, we indicate improvement policy.


共享經濟; RFID; 群組驗證; Sharing economy; RFID; Grouping-proof

Citation Format:
奚正德 , "共享經濟的RFID群組驗證架構及機制," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 4 , pp. 65-77, Oct. 2016.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office