教育部的「資訊安全人才培育計畫」以「課程」、「平臺」、「競賽」、「實習」及「產學合作」等五大主軸為推動方向,計畫串連合作、產、研之資源整合,以建構資安人才優良健全培育環境為目標,強化資安專業人才培育之質與量,並期能配合各產業資源的投入,培育跨域資安實務人才,提供我國各產業資安人才之所需。在總計畫統籌規劃下為深化及擴散既有資安人才培育推動能量,以及向下扎根資安認知推廣與資安實務能力的增強,106年度增加辦理各項擴充活動(包括推動資安實務示範課程並建立示範教學資源、舉辦高中(職)資安研習營與初學者挑戰賽活動等),以提升我國資安人才培育能量。本文針對「資訊安全人才培育計畫」中的「資安扎根與認知推廣計畫」工作規劃進行介紹並分享推廣經驗,期望能作為後續長期推動資安人才培育之參考。The Ministry of Education's "Information Security Incubation Program" takes the five major goals of "Curriculum", "Platform", "Competition", "Internship" and "Industry- University Cooperation" as its promotion directions. It is expected to incubate the practical talents of cross-domain information security and provide the needed talents for various industries in Taiwan. This paper aims to introduce and share the experience of "Deep Incubation and Awareness Promotion of Information Security Sub-program" in "Information Security Incubation Program", which is expected to serve as a reference for further long-term promotion of the information security talent incubation.
資訊安全; 人才培育; 資安認知; Information Security; Talent Incubation; Security Awareness
Citation Format:
Benjamin Tseng, Chi-Yuan Chen, Iuon-Chang Lin, "資訊安全潛力人才深掘," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 24, no. 4 , pp. 44-57, Oct. 2018.
Benjamin Tseng, Chi-Yuan Chen, Iuon-Chang Lin, "資訊安全潛力人才深掘," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 24, no. 4 , pp. 44-57, Oct. 2018.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office
E-mail: ccisa.editor@gmail.com