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Ci-Lin Li,
Wei-Lun Huang,
Yu-Lin Kuo,
Bing-Jian Wang,
Tzung-Her Chen,


隨著網路的普及以及多媒體資訊的發展,視訊內容的安全性逐漸受到重視,許多視訊加密技術也紛紛被提出。從早期的完全性加密到近年來提出的選擇性加密,足可得知視訊加密對效率與即時性的要求越來越高,然而卻鮮少有文獻內容統整分析這些加密方法。因此本文針對H.264/AVC這個最普及的視訊壓縮標準所設計的加密方案,試著將這些方法分類並指出常見的加密位置有哪些、何處最適合加密,並以安全性、高效率、不破壞壓縮率、保持語意格式這四個基本需求來分析及比較這些加密方案。以期能夠對希望接觸這領域或是剛接觸這領域的讀者提供導讀效果。With wide population of networking and rapid development of multimedia, security of multimedia content has drawn more and more attention such that a couple of video encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature. Selective encryption instead of full encryption to multimedia benefits more from efficiency in the real applications. In this article, the survey of H.264/AVC encryption is presented to demonstrate which process in H.264/AVC coding is suitable to encrypt and why it benefits more.


H.264/AVC; 視訊加密; 選擇性加密; 機密性; H.264/AVC; Video encryption; Selective encryption; Confidentiality

Citation Format:
Ci-Lin Li, Wei-Lun Huang, Yu-Lin Kuo, Bing-Jian Wang, Tzung-Her Chen, "漫談H.264/AVC的選擇加密法," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 23, no. 4 , pp. 73-92, Oct. 2017.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office