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Chang-Yueh Ho,
Cheng-Ta Huang,
Shiuh-Jeng WANG,


智慧型行動裝置的普及,及無線網路技術的成熟,透過行動裝置可達成的服務愈來愈多,但也因其即時性與方便性,使駕駛人在駕駛車輛時,常使用行動裝置上網,此行為易造成駕駛人分心,進而導致道路交通事故的發生。當事故發生時,在行動裝置發現關鍵或相關之數位證據的情形,也會隨著行動裝置使用的增長,可能性同樣增加。然而,現今行動裝置鑑識調查面臨最大窘境,便是商業型鑑識工具對於行動裝置的支援程度,追不上行動裝置硬體型號及軟體版本的更新速度,這時便迫切需要建立可支援第一線調查人員和研究者去鑑識調查的工具及方法。本文將先利用行動裝置的日誌檔內容,判別使用者的使用行為,再藉由行動裝置的備份檔,進一步找出通訊紀錄、傳送之多媒體檔案等數位證據,證明其與交通事件或犯罪行為之關連性,並透過交通事故個案研究進行觀察分析跟探討。Following up the popularity of smart mobile devices and the maturity of wireless networking technologies, the services are able to be achieved through the operations of the mobile devices. By means of the functionalities of immediacy and convenience, the mobiles are always associated with the drivers when operating the cars on the driving ways. The behaviors are likely to distract the drivers from the driving procedures, and leading to the occurrence of road traffic accidents. When an accident occurs, finding critical or relevant digital evidence on the mobile devices associated with the drivers are necessary at the first moment. However, the biggest concern of mobile device forensic investigation now is that the support of commercial forensic tools can not catch up the upgrading rate of the hardware and software versions in the mobile operations. By the way, it is required to build the tools and methods of forensic investigations to cope with the forensics investigators to guarantee the completeness of probing evidence. In this paper, we use the log file of mobile device to analyze the user behaviors. And then fix the key evidence in terms of communication records and multimedia files to make the connections, either in the case of the traffic accidents or criminal events.


行動裝置鑑識; iTunes 備份; ADB 工具; buffer logs; 道路交通事故調查; Mobile forensics; iTunes backup; ADB tools; Buffer logs; Traffic event investigations

Citation Format:
Chang-Yueh Ho, Cheng-Ta Huang, Shiuh-Jeng WANG, "道路交通事故之行動裝置OSINT工具鑑識研究," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 23, no. 3 , pp. 65-90, Jul. 2017.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office