網路科技進步的轉變,逐漸讓資訊安全受到重視,倡導資訊安全教育也就越重要,傳統刻板的文字敘述及投影片解說的教學,這樣所得到的學習效果是有限的。此外,駭客攻防技術之教學除了原理與工具之介紹外,亦需要一個實境模擬的駭客攻防環境,讓學生可以透過此環境,演練駭客攻防技術並評估學習成效,以提昇其學習效果與意願。本研究基於開放源碼技術以及OpenStack技術,設計並建置一個雲端運算之駭客攻防教學平台,並建構相關駭客攻防教材。此平台分為二個部分,分別為駭客攻防原理教學平台,以及駭客實境模擬攻防平台。對於學生而言,可以達到理論與實務操作之學習,用以培訓具實務攻防能力之人才。對於教師而言,能以低成本的概念製作出具有高彈性與可用性的教學平台,快速建構雲端化駭客攻防教材,以及快速且大量佈署並監控駭客實境模擬攻防環境,以了解學生理論與實務操作之學習成效。此平台將可作為資訊安全攻防人才培訓之雲端培訓基地。此外,本研究進一步運用科技接受模型,以及開源雲端運算平台分析之相關文獻,設計一個適用於雲端駭客攻防教學平台之科技接受度研究模型,探討使用者對於此類平台之接受度研究。本研究結果顯示出系統的娛樂性能提升使用者使用教學平台之意圖,知覺有用性能夠提升使用者使用教學平台之態度。藉由統計分析結果能瞭解學習者對於使用雲端教學平台進行資訊安全與駭客攻防學習之接受度,亦將提供未來教師與資訊人員建立雲端駭客攻防教學平台或推動相關教學平台開發之重要參考依據。The changing of network and technological progress has gradually alert the attention information security and information security education. Traditional stereotypical narrative teaching has limited effect on learning. In addition, to present the hacker attack and defense technology, it needs a reality simulated hacker attack and defense environment for students. By drill of hacker offensive and defensive techniques, we can evaluate the effectiveness of learning and enhance the willingness of learning. This study is based on open source and OpenStack technology, design and build a cloud computing platform for teaching and construction of the relevant hacker attack and defense materials. This platform is divided into two parts, namely the principles of teaching platform hacker attack and defense as well as hackers reality simulation platform. As for the students, they can achieve learning theory and practical operation, trainings with offensive and defensive capabilities of the personnel. For teachers, they are able to produce low-cost concept teaching platform with high flexibility and availability of the cloud to quickly construct a hacker attack and defense materials, as well as a large number of rapid deployment on environment and also monitoring the hacker attack and defense reality simulation environment for students both theoretically and practically. This platform will be used as base practice ground for cloud information security attack and defense training. In addition, this study uses technology acceptance models as well as open source cloud computing platform analysis and design a suitable model for science and technology acceptance cloud teaching platform of hacker attack and defense from user acceptance perspective. The results of this study shows entertainment of the system can enhance the users' intention of platform using. Users can also enhance the perceived usefulness of using teaching platform attitude. By statistical analysis, teaching learners to use this cloud platform for information security and acceptance of hacker attack and defense learning will also provide teachers with information to develop cloud teaching platform and important reference on related works.
雲端運算; 資訊安全; 駭客攻防; 數位學習; 科技接受模式; Cloud Computing; Information Security; Ethical Hacking; e-Learning; Technology Acceptance Model
Citation Format:
Chien-Lung Hsu, Sheng-Hung Tsai, Tzu-Wei Lin, "基於開放源碼雲端運算架構之高彈性駭客攻防教學平台之設計與評估," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 23, no. 2 , pp. 1-23, Apr. 2017.
Chien-Lung Hsu, Sheng-Hung Tsai, Tzu-Wei Lin, "基於開放源碼雲端運算架構之高彈性駭客攻防教學平台之設計與評估," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 23, no. 2 , pp. 1-23, Apr. 2017.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office
E-mail: ccisa.editor@gmail.com