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Zero-day Intrusion Detection System based on Dual Neural Network and Aggregation Mechanism

Chih-Lung Chen,
Kuo-Jui Wei,
Ying-Chin Chen,
Jung-San Lee,


Despite signature-based intrusion detection system(IDS) has played an important role in the field of cyber security, there remains a crucial challenge that the zero-day attack is hard to be solved. This drawback may bring a large amount of loss to an enterprise or an individual. In order to address above issue, we aim to propose a novel IDS framework which is able to conquer zero-day attacks. The framework consists of an AutoEncoder and a deep neural network(DNN), where AutoEncoder is applied to detect zero-day intrusion, and DNN is employed for classifying known attack, respectively. In particular, we have introduced aggregation mechanism based on DBSCAN algorithm and voting system for sorting the zero-day samples and retraining the IDS. The experimental results have demonstrated that the new method can solidly work in a zero-day attack detection and known attack classification.

Citation Format:
Chih-Lung Chen, Kuo-Jui Wei, Ying-Chin Chen, Jung-San Lee, "Zero-day Intrusion Detection System based on Dual Neural Network and Aggregation Mechanism," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 26, no. 1 , pp. 8-24, Feb. 2020.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office