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拉丁矩陣是密碼學領域中,一個常用的數學型式,而列完備矩陣(Row-complete Matrix)是在Zn的拉丁矩陣的特殊形式。我們發現列完備矩陣,可以應用在雲端傳輸資料的轉加密(Re-encryption)系統中。本文中,我們探討更多列完備矩陣的屬性;並提出一個參數式列完備矩陣的轉加密方法,來加強雲端再加密系統的安全性。Latin matrix is one of mathematical type in the field of cryptography; in addition, Row-complete Matrix is a special form of Zn Latin matrix. The Row-complete Matrix can be used in clouds re-encryption system. In this paper, we discuss the properties of Row-complete Matrix; and propose a re-encryption method based on parameter Row-complete Matrix to strengthen the security of clouds re-encryption system.
雲端轉加密; 密碼方法; 列完備矩陣; Cloud Re-encryption; Cryptography; Row-complete matrix
Citation Format:
Jer-Min Tsai, Jengnan Tzeng, I-Te Chen, "參數式列完備矩陣之轉加密方法," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 21, no. 4 , pp. 22-31, Oct. 2015.
Jer-Min Tsai, Jengnan Tzeng, I-Te Chen, "參數式列完備矩陣之轉加密方法," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 21, no. 4 , pp. 22-31, Oct. 2015.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office