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無線射頻辨識在現在生活中已被普遍應用,但也因其設計時的限制使得其市場上的發展似乎並不如預期的順利。這眾多因素包括:讀取距離、讀取穩定度、安全功能、隱私保護、及彈性化檔案管理等等。在過去無線射頻辨識的發展歷史中,不同的應用有不同的功能需求及安全需求,也因此發展出不同規格的無線射頻辨識的標準及卡片。EPC Global為整合上訴需求及改善之前規格的弱點特發展新的EPC Class 2 Generation 2version 2(簡稱Gen2v2),試圖以單一標準滿足多樣的功能需求;然而其功能複雜且彈性也讓非專業人員難以理解及應用。本論文旨在介紹Gen2v2標準、功能、指令,並討論其挑戰,希望透過這些介紹提供相關學界及業界一些參考並一起為此一新領域共同努力。Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) has been one of the universal technologies applied in our daily life, and some weaknesses and limitations have blocked its penetration and application. These obstacles include reading distance, stead-ability of reading, security functions, privacy protection and flexible file management. Before various RFID standards and products have been ratified and produced to different market sectors. EPC Global then designs a new RFID standard- EPC Glass 2 Generation 2 Version 2 (Gen2v2 for short)-to integrate all the requirements and improve the weaknesses of existent standards. However, the new standard is powerful, flexible but quite complicated so that even the related industries find it difficult to comprehend and apply. This report tries to introduce the new standards, the commands, and the memories, and discuss the challenges. I hope this could introduce thie standard to the academia and industry.
無線射頻辨識; 認證; 隱私; RFID; authentication; privacy; EPC global
Citation Format:
簡宏宇 , "新一代無線射頻標籤(Gen2v2)之創新與挑戰," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 21, no. 4 , pp. 13-21, Oct. 2015.
簡宏宇 , "新一代無線射頻標籤(Gen2v2)之創新與挑戰," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 21, no. 4 , pp. 13-21, Oct. 2015.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office