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本研究設計連線之無線射頻識別技術(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)所有權轉移機制,允許標籤擁有者與標籤透過連線後端系統,進行雙向鑑別����金鑰協議及所有權轉移。再者,本研究進一步考量物流供應鏈管理的大量物品管理及群體鑑別、物品間的群體關係等議題,基於上述RFID所有權轉移協定設計連線之群體導向RFID所有權轉移機制,允許擁有者及標籤群體與後端系統連線後,進行雙向鑑別、金鑰協議及所有權轉移,而標籤上無需儲存任何有關群體的資訊。此外,倘若擁有者試圖欺騙供應鏈夥伴,我們所提出之機制具備稽核功能,以防範篡改標籤資訊等情況。This paper focuses on the online RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) ownership transfer protocol, in which the tag owners (including the old tag owner and the new tag owner) and the tag cooperate to perform mutual authentication, key agreement, and ownership transfer via the online backend system. Furthermore, we consider some issues about commodities management, group authentication, and group relationship between commodities in supply chains. Based on the proposed online group-oriented RFID ownership transfer protocol, the tag owners and the tags cooperate to perform mutual authentication, key agreement, and ownership transfer via the online backend system, and the tags have no need to store any group information. Both of the proposed protocols provide an auditing mechanism for creating tamper-proof logs to detect cheaters in supply chains.
所有權轉移; 雙向鑑別; 金鑰協議; RFID; ownership transfer; mutual authentication; key agreement
Citation Format:
Chien-Lung Hsu, Yi-Shun Chan, Kuo-Yu Tsai, May-Kuen Wong, "適用於供應鏈之連線RFID所有權轉移協定," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 3 , pp. 28-48, Jul. 2016.
Chien-Lung Hsu, Yi-Shun Chan, Kuo-Yu Tsai, May-Kuen Wong, "適用於供應鏈之連線RFID所有權轉移協定," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 3 , pp. 28-48, Jul. 2016.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office
E-mail: ccisa.editor@gmail.com