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Pei-Yu Lin,
Wen-Shao Lan,


隨著雲端網路的盛行及資訊科技的進步,行動裝置如智慧型手機與平版電腦廣泛使用於生活中,其拍照功能逐漸取代傳統相機,帶動新形態的社群分享及雲端儲存應用。針對行動裝置所拍攝之數位媒體,其共享與安全保護相當重要,然而目前相關研究技術相當缺乏且較少被探討。當行動裝置媒體於雲端進行儲存時,其個人的智慧財產權易受到威脅,故須有保護技術來保護拍攝的數位媒體。此外,考慮拍攝照片的社群分享特性,在照片進行共享時,若能額外傳輸雙方分享的機密資訊,將可有效提升使用者對媒體共享的新穎性與應用性。為了設計適用於行動裝置之資訊共享與保護技術,且考量行動裝置的低運算與即時性需求,本研究利用行動裝置內鍵之影像處理模組,來藏匿共享的機密資訊。方法有效利用影像直方圖運算,以即時還原出機密資訊,行動裝置不需額外安裝硬體設備,故技術適用於一般行動裝置及數位相機應用。在藏匿共享的機密資訊過程中,也不會破壞裝置媒體外觀的可視品質,滿足使用者對於行動裝置媒體的觀看與共享使用。Mobile devices, such as smart phone and tablet PC, are commonly used to capture a real-world scene instead of the traditional camera in recent decades. The interflow and share of the captured media over the cloud storages and social websites become the popular behavers via digital devices. These communicated and shared media have the piracy and illegal problems without proper protection. Nevertheless, the related protection techniques concerning the real-time mobile media are considerably rare. The conventional protection schemes normally applied to protect the media based on the high efficiency platform (such as personal computer) with high computational complexity. Such protection algorithms are unsuitable for light-weight mobile devices. In this article, we proposed an efficient mechanism adopts the observation of inner operation of mobile devices to achieve the media secret sharing and ownership protection of the mobile media directly. The procedure is low computational complexity that can be applied to convey the secret information of the captured media via mobile devices.


機密分享; 行動裝置; 直方圖; 不可察覺; Secret sharing; mobile device; histogram operation; imperceptible

Citation Format:
Pei-Yu Lin, Wen-Shao Lan, "行動媒體之機密資訊傳輸與共享機制," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 2 , pp. 40-50, Apr. 2016.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office