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在本文中,我們介紹兩個「多秘密影像分享技術」。所謂的「多秘密影像分享技術」是將多張秘密影像分享成若干張分享影像,當分享影像結合起來,就可以重建多張的秘密影像。在低計算度的「多秘密影像分享技術」中,有兩種常被提到的技術,分別是「階層式多秘密影像分享技術」以及「環狀式多秘密影像分享技術」。前者所產生的分享影像之重要性並不一樣,也就是握有較重要的分享影像的擁有者,當其拒絕與其他擁有者合作時,會導致大部分的秘密影像無法重建回來。相反的,後者所產生的分享影像,每張分享影像的重要性皆相同,所以任何一張分享影像擁有者拒絕合作,只會導致固定張數的秘密影像無法重建回來。In this article, two Multi-Secret Images Sharing Schemes (MSISS) are introduced. The meaning of MSISS is to share secret images into shadow images. The secret images can be reconstructed when the owners of certain shadow images are cooperated each other. Among all low computation MSISS, two schemes are mentioned frequently. The one is "Hierarchy based MSISS" and the other is "Cycle based MSISS." In "Hierarchy based MSISS", not all shadow images are equally important. If the owner with the important shadow image does not want to cooperate with other owners, most secret images cannot be reconstructed. On the other hand, in "Cycle based MSISS", all shadow images are equally important. If one owner refuses to cooperate with other owners, only two secret images cannot be reconstructed.
布林運算為基礎之影像分享技術; 多秘密影像分享技術; 秘密影像分享技術; Boolean-based VSS; Multi-secret image sharing; Secret image sharing
Citation Format:
Chi-Shiang Chan, "多秘密影像分享技術," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 2 , pp. 1-13, Apr. 2016.
Chi-Shiang Chan, "多秘密影像分享技術," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 2 , pp. 1-13, Apr. 2016.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office