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Sou-Chan Chen,
Szu-Yaun Teng,
You-Yen Wan,
Wei-Chi Chen,


近年來,隨著雲端服務的快速發展,不只改變一般普羅大眾的生活型態,亦改變了犯罪者的犯罪型態,近來多起著名的資料外洩事件亦與雲端服務相關,雲端服務的犯罪模式使得鑑識人員更難以快速且精確的掌握相關跡證。本研究將透過建置模擬環境,實際執行各種雲端服務後取得數位證據留存種類,進而提出相關證據彙整清單,協助鑑識人員快速且精確掌握相關跡證。With the fast growing of the cloud services from recent years, this does not only changed the lifestyle of the users, but also changed the pattern of the criminals. Recently several well-known data leakage incident also found to be related to cloud services, the crime pattern also made digital forensic personal harder to take control of the evidences promptly and accurately. This research will focus on the types of digital evidences on the cloud service, and through the implementation of virtual environment, and provides related evidence lists to support digital forensic personal with efficiency.


雲端儲存服務; 私有雲; 雲端鑑識; 雲端數位證據; Cloud Storage services; Private cloud; Cloud Forensics; Cloud Digital Forensics

Citation Format:
Sou-Chan Chen, Szu-Yaun Teng, You-Yen Wan, Wei-Chi Chen, "雲端鑑識工具技術之探討研究報告," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 1 , pp. 49-72, Jan. 2016.

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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office