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雲端服務之數位鑑識作業因雲端資料儲存特性及雲端業者與使用者各自管理權限問題,與一般數位鑑識有顯著差異,鑑識人員若仍依循舊有程序將無法完整識別、蒐集必要之雲端數位證據。本研究彙整國內外相關文獻與法令規範,並透過建置模擬環境實際執行各種雲端服務後取得數位證據留����種類,進而提出最適於執行各種雲端鑑識之建議流程。The method of the data storage and user control in cloud environment are significantly different than traditional digital forensic methods. Digital evidence in the cloud environment will be unable to fully identify and collected if digital forensic personal follows the traditional process. This article contains related researches and regulations from different nation. Furthermore, collects the digital evidence with the implementation of the cloud service through virtual environment, and provide the digital forensic process suitable for all types of cloud services.
雲端鑑識; 雲端數位證據; 數位鑑識程序; Cloud Forensics; Cloud Digital Forensic; Digital Forensic process
Citation Format:
Sou-Chan Chen, Szu-Yaun Teng, You-Yen Wan, Wei-Chi Chen, "雲端服務模式數位證據之識別、蒐集、擷取、保全及驗證程序," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 1 , pp. 28-48, Jan. 2016.
Sou-Chan Chen, Szu-Yaun Teng, You-Yen Wan, Wei-Chi Chen, "雲端服務模式數位證據之識別、蒐集、擷取、保全及驗證程序," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 22, no. 1 , pp. 28-48, Jan. 2016.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office