資訊科技(IT)是工業中生產系統和自動化創新最重要的因素之一。在德國,“工業4.0”一詞總結了生產,物流,自動化等工業過程的各種活動和發展。許多研究和開發項目都在不同方面開展工作。從工業與資訊科技產業相關的企業的角度來看,資訊科技產業的資訊安全被認為是目前在智慧製造中很重要的一環。儘管許多當前的資訊科技產業的安全解決方案可以在工業4.0中應用,但工業4.0中要求的整套系統需要與物聯網結合,增加的是智動化的功能,並結合大數據的分析,提供最佳化的生產流程,並考慮其功能性,即時性,穩定性,節能性,與安全性等諸多因素。其中安全性在目前許多工業4.0的設備中仍未整合進去,但卻深深影響整體工廠生產的進度與穩定度,因此極需要在基礎安全機制以及安全架構上完成工業4.0的應用。本文在此提出輕量級的工業資料加密傳輸與設備認證的方法,採用的是WG-8的加密演算法並改良其尾隨機性,來保護工廠的通訊傳輸。為符合實際工廠的機器設備,我們在實驗中採用Raspberry Pi3 B+做為實驗測試實機,並設計與執行我們所提出的通訊安全加密演算法,實驗結果證明WG-8的加密演算法,這會讓Raspberry Pi3中央處理器(CPU)使用率提升40%運轉,但提供工業物聯網更安全的通訊方式與設備認證。Information technology (IT) is one of the most important factors in production systems and automation innovation in industry. In Germany, the term "Industry 4.0" summarizes the various activities and developments of industrial processes such as production, logistics and automation. Many research and development projects work in different aspects. From the point of view of enterprises related to the industrial and information technology industries, information security in the information technology industry is considered to be an important part of smart manufacturing. Although many current IT security solutions can be applied in Industry 4.0, the entire system required in Industry 4.0 needs to be integrated with the Internet of Things, with the added functionality of intelligence and combined with the analysis of big data to provide the most Jiahua's production process considers many factors such as its functionality, immediacy, stability, energy saving, and security. Security is still not integrated in many of the current industry 4.0 equipment, but it has a profound impact on the overall plant production progress and stability, so it is extremely necessary to complete the application of Industry 4.0 on the basic security mechanism and security architecture. This paper proposes a lightweight method of industrial data encryption transmission and device authentication, using the WG-8 encryption algorithm and improving its tailing randomness to protect the plant's communication transmission. In order to comply with the actual plant equipment, we used the Raspberry Pi3 B+ as an experimental test machine in the experiment, and designed and implemented our proposed communication security encryption algorithm. The experimental results prove that the WG-8 encryption algorithm, which will allow Raspberry Pi3 central processing unit (CPU) usage increased by 40%, but it provides industrial Internet of Things more secure communication methods and device certification.
工業物聯網; 資訊安全; 串流密碼法; 加密傳輸; 設備認證; Industrial Internet of Things; Information Security; Stream Cypher
Citation Format:
Cheng-Chou Lin, Shih-Hao Chang, "工業物聯網加密的串流密碼機制," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 24, no. 3 , pp. 71-85, Jul. 2018.
Cheng-Chou Lin, Shih-Hao Chang, "工業物聯網加密的串流密碼機制," Communications of the CCISA, vol. 24, no. 3 , pp. 71-85, Jul. 2018.
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Published by Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), Taiwan, R.O.C
CCCISA Editorial Office
E-mail: ccisa.editor@gmail.com